Potential calling issues
The upstream mitigations have fixed all calling issues. Testing and monitoring confirms no further problems. Please open a support ticket via normal support process with examples for any issues going forward.
Upstream mitigations are in place and inbound and outbound calling appear to be operating as expected.
Due to the nature of the mitigation the occasional call may still be affected.
Works continue to fully resolve the issue.
Please let us know if you continue to experience these calling issues.
Emergency mitigation has resolved issues affecting outbound calling. Further mitigation is being implemented to resolve inbound issues.
Upstream Engineers have identified root cause and are working on mitigation.
Engineers continue to work with upstream providers to resolve this issue.
Issue appears to be affecting more than calls originating from the One NZ network. Still working with upstream to resolve
Inbound calls from the One NZ network appear to be experiencing very large post dial delay.
Issue appears to be upstream - engineers are working with upstream providers to resolve.
We have received reports of call from the One NZ network not being received. Engineers are currently investigating.
Update will follow as more information becomes available
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